I guess you are here because you have pondered the questions "how to bleach your anus yourself?" or 'how can you do it at home?" or "is it natural?" Well, we are here to answer most and all of those questions.
While our most intimate areas were shiny and bright when we popped out of mom’s bosom, as we age, the skin around the anal region may become darkened and discolored. There’s a reason that being as ‘smooth as a baby’s bottom’ is considered a compliment! And a lot of people want to get that perfectly natural bleached anus back but most of them are not entirely sure how to get it done.
After months and months of research, we have found the perfect solution for it. Not only is it easy to do but it also won't hurt your wallet like most other anal bleaching treatments do. This at-home and do-it-yourself solution is surely the best one we've ever tried and reviewed. So, the problem that a lot of people are facing now has the perfect solution. Even through there is an easy answer to this problem, the root of this problem is still a mystery to a lot of men and women.
Many people are still wondering how their anuses get darker over time as well how to fix it. On this article, we will discuss the reasons why it happens and also how to solve it easily, and effectively using at-home anal bleaching products.
But first, let's discuss why a dark colored nether regions can happen to you, these reasons include:
The real question is - how to naturally bleach your anus?
Well, you could try cover up these areas with makeup, or blindfold your partner, or simply turn the lights out and hope for the best. Of course, none of these suggestions solve the real problem do they? The real solution is one that will actually lighten the skin in these intimate areas so you can feel sexy and confident. The simple answer: Ass bleaching cream. Sounds great, huh? It's because they are. These do-it-yourself products can easily be done at home where it is private for you and most of all comfortable. That is something that most people who are looking to lighten the skin around their anal regions are looking for.
Just make sure to do your research before choosing an at-home treatment product. What matters most is how safe the product is, and of course, if it really works. We tried out some of the most popular brands to see if they lived up to the hype. You’ll be shocked at what we found! So, hang on tight and read on for more information about the best anus bleaching creams on the market!
Here’s what we found:
Amaira | Pink Privates |
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![]() | ![]() |
No Hydroquinone | No Hydroquinone |
For Women & Men | For Women & Men |
![]() Sensation Free on Application | ![]() Sensation Free on Application |
![]() Quick Results | ![]() Quick Results |
In recent years, anal bleaching has soared in popularity. This trend began in the early 2000s, built steadily up until 2010, and since then it has been growing rapidly in the past few years. In the very beginning, this procedure was limited mostly to strippers, porn stars and anyone else who made a living off of their butt appeal, but today, it’s nearly as common as getting a Brazilian wax.
Anal bleaching has become a commonplace in many spas or salons which offer cosmetic procedures. Although, most of us are more than a little embarrassed when we whisper, “One asshole whitening cream, please,” to the lady behind the counter!
There are many things we are comfortable discussing with salon workers and medical doctors - The aesthetic appeal of our anuses, however, is not one of them. To make matters worse, the laser procedures many salons offer can cause permanent side effects like scarring, pain, or further discoloration if the technician doesn’t know what they’re doing. Yikes! This is one of the main reasons why doing a DIY anal bleaching is much more of compelling argument these days. Instead of doing it in a public spa, just do it at home!
For this reason, many budding butt bleachers prefer an at-home DIY treatment which they can perform themselves in the privacy of their own home. This way you have total control over the cleanliness and treatment process from start to finish.
Before you go all butt bleach by yourself at home - make sure you know what you’re doing. Here’s a guide to getting it right (and doing it safely!) by yourself in the privacy of your own bathroom.
Click below to see our favorite
So, the question remains - how to bleach your anus at home? Let us get into that right now.
If you’re feeling self conscious about the darker colored skin around your nether regions - first of all - understand that this is totally normal. Second, if you really want to lighten the skin around your anus, you don’t have to spend a ton of money on expensive salon procedures. Thanks to the rising popularity of the do-it-yourself treatment, there are now plenty of D.I.Y. anus whitening treatments you can do at home safely and effectively.
The biggest plus of performing a do-it-yourself anal bleaching solution and procedure is the amount of money you will save. The average salon will charge you between $100 and $200 per treatment, and after the recommended five or six treatment sessions, that turns into a HUGE chunk of cash!
There are many options for you to choose from when getting into 'how to do anus bleaching at home', and all of them are significantly kinder to your pocket book than a salon treatment would be. As a bonus, at-home butt hole lightening products tend to be gentler on your skin than the alternatives offered by salons, so you’re less likely to experience any side effects. Here’s a quick DIY guide to make sure you have a great experience doing this yourself at home.
Click below to see our favorite
Many people are still debating the idea of either doing an at home treatment or just head to a salon to get it done for them. It's really an interesting decision because many of you are still unsure about it. That is why you are reading this page. Let us clear this issue up for you and tell you where you should get your anal bleaching treatment done.
| At Home Treatment | Salon Treatment |
Is it Expensive? | No | Yes |
Does it Work? | Yes | Yes |
Is it Natural? | Yes | No |
Is there Privacy? | Yes | No |
Is it Convenient? | Yes | No |
As you can see, the most important things that matter are favoring an at-home anal bleaching treatment. The expenses is the biggest difference with these two procedures which is the reason why so many men and women are now opting for the much safer and natural bleaching creams that you can buy online. As long as the at-home product does not contain any harmful chemicals then it is safe to say that you are on your way to a lighter skin around your anus.
If you have any suspicion that you may have a medical condition, such as an STI or an injury, do not apply any at-home lightening product to the affected area. Instead, seek medical advice and make sure that the coloration is natural. Assuming you’re in the clear here, you have a couple of options for DIY anal whitening.
This is a very important step in the process of whitening the skin around your anus as it is a very sensitive area, and having a pre-existing condition then putting DIY anal bleaching cream on it can be very dangerous. This can potentially lead to long-term damage, so don’t skip this step and consult with a medical expert if you have any doubts about why the skin is discolored.
These DIY products are marketed as skin lightening creams used to treat age spots and other such natural ailments, but many people have used them to tackle buttwhole discoloration at home. Of course, since everyone’s body is different, results may vary, but a lot of people have reported great results from these anal bleaching products. They’re affordable, and effective.
The question is - which one is right for your tender tushy?
When choosing an at-home anal whitening treatment, it’s important to do your homework and only use do-it-yourself products which have all-natural ingredients. Most importantly, stay away from any at-home products which contain a chemical called hydroquinone. This harsh substance is harmful to your skin, and also linked to various skin problems like cancer, melanoma, and skin damage. If you see a do-it-yourself product with hydroquinone - get your butt in gear and run far away.
Click below to see our favorite
Choosing the perfect at-home treatment will take a bit of time - but in the long run will get you great results, make sure you’re staying safe, and save you tons of money. After all, it’s not like you can just waltz into a drug store and find the aisle marked ‘Anus Bleaching’
You may have to order the DIY anal bleach online, so check for products which offer a money-back guarantee and free shipping whenever possible.. I strongly recommend you spend the money on a product that is designed specifically to treat discolored anus tissues and sensitive areas.. You will prevent a whole host of potential problems, and you will probably get better results.
DIY treatments for whitening your skin around your anus is getting more popular by the day. It’s affordable and convenient, so it’s no wonder people are going crazy for this booty beauty trend!
Read on to learn how to do it safely and effectively yourself.
Before you get that DIY anus whitening gel anywhere near your nether regions, find a more resilient area of your body to perform a patch test. Most mainstream products are safe for use in sensitive areas. But, let’s be honest, you do NOT want to mess around with your asshole! It’s important to test and see if your body might be allergic to any of the natural ingredients included in these products. It’s like being allergic to peanuts - they seem harmless until you put one in your mouth. So, before diving in fully into the pool, test the waters first and see what happens.
Apply a small amount of the gel to somewhere like your leg, or the inside of your wrist. Wait for 24 hours to see if you have any bad reactions or experience any unwanted side effects. You do not want to find out you’re allergic to the cream once it’s been between your cheeks for ten minutes! Assuming no side effects arise, proceed to the next step.
If you've been waxed recently, this shouldn't be an issue, but if not, you're going to need to take care of it yourself. However you want to go about clearing the hair away from your anus, just remember to be careful and gentle especially if you're doing it yourself and at home alone. Do not use any hair removal creams that are not intended for the genital area. Do not take a pair of clippers to your rear. Do not pour hot wax down below without checking the temperature. Be smart.
There are better ways to do it like going to a waxing salon or buying a DIY waxing cream from your local drug store. Using a razor also works but if you're going that route, you might need to be extra careful and actually know how to shave without cutting yourself. Having cuts around your genitals then putting bleaching cream on it is a recipe for disaster. Long story short, it will be painful so be careful.
Click below to see our favorite
You will not need any anal douching, but it's important to make sure the area around your anus is clean and sanitary. A warm, wet cloth with some gentle soap should be enough. After that's done, pat dry. If you want to go above and beyond, exfoliate before the next step; this can speed up the process.
Once you clean your rear from anything and everything, you gotta make sure that you have rinsed properly as well. You don't want anything leftover on your butt before doing any bleaching process on it. Once you've rinsed all the soap off your anal region, it is now safe to use a home whitening gel.
Make sure the DIY gel is only applied externally-- the inside of your rectum does not need to be white-- and rub it in until it's been completely absorbed by the skin. Most DIY at home lotions can be applied twice a day for the fastest, most impressive results, but you should check the back of the package for specific instructions. All the anal bleaching creams and gels have them.
Always follow the instructions provided on the bottle of your anal lightening cream, this is important because what you are doing requires some technicality into it. There is a process that needs to be followed to get the right results from the DIY home treatment product. Having said that, you will also need to follow the instructions on how often you can apply the at-home cream. A lot of people will surely want to apply it more than it needs to be in an attempt to get the results that they want sooner but it does not work that way and it is a little dangerous too as everything else is when overdone. So, stay safe and be patient, the DIY anus bleaching cream will work its magic one way or the other.
Other than do-it-yourself whitening creams, there are other things that you can do to naturally whiten the skin around your anus. Mind you that these are simple household items that you can easily find. If you don't have any of them, then a quick trip to the grocery store will do the job. It's pretty simple to do these natural lightening techniques to improve the look of the skin around your anal region. You can use these home bleaching remedies on the affected area for 20-30 mins then wash it off. And, remember to rinse the natural bleach thoroughly before calling it day because leaving it on for too long might cause an irritation. Be careful with all that.
So, here is a list of household items that you can use to naturally whiten the skin around your anus:
These natural home remedies do work if you are planning to whiten the skin around your anus but do not expect crazy results from it. It will surely take a long time to any noticeable results from it, so you will have to be patient. We do recommend using all-natural anal bleeching creams like Amaira Intimate Lightening Serum if you want to get a whiter anus region quickly. Most people who have used the product have seen results in 2-3 weeks which is lightyears ahead of anything and everything. Also, these are tested butthole bleaching products, so you don't have to worry about any side-effects from using it.
To be honest, we would recommend doing at-home treatments over any other methods right now. Some do-it-yourself home remedies might work also, but you have to remember that they do not show results like natural anal bleaching creams do. Using these types of products can show visible changes within 3-4 weeks but using organic or ordinary household items might take twice as long or maybe not even work at all depending on the type of skin. So, in the end, spending for these online products is the best option if you want to get a whiter butt and sadly there is no way around it if you are looking for a cheaper option.
So, to wrap it up, we hope that you have enjoyed our do it yourself anal bleaching methods on here and we hope that it helps you get a whiter behind. Hopefully, in a very safe way. Remember to always check the label of the at-home products to check for dangerous ingredients before buying it online or at the local store. Good luck bleaching your bum by yourself!